


Additional Information Vortek Offroad VRD-703

Embrace the synthesis of durability and elegance with the Vortek VRD-703 Wheels, sporting a bold, heavy-duty design accompanied by a black simulated beadlock, abundant accent grooves, and black simulated bolts for a unique and robust aesthetic. Available in a refined Matte Black finish and diverse sizes from 17x9.0 to 22x12, these wheels cater to a custom fit for any vehicle. With an expansive bolt pattern range spanning from 5x to 8x, the VRD-703 Wheels represent the perfect marriage of contemporary design, sturdy construction, and progressive automotive technology.


Part NumberSizeBolt
70317963-18MB17×9 −188 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-In Stock *$350.00
7031795X6XBL-18MB17×9 −18-78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
70317964-18MB17×9 −188 x 170mm,8 x 180mm125.1-Out of Stock$350.00
70317943-18MB17×9 −185 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-In Stock *$350.00
70317957-18MB17×9 −186 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-In Stock *$350.00
703179430MB17×9 +05 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-Out of Stock$350.00
703179570MB17×9 +06 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-Out of Stock$350.00
703179530MB17×9 +06 x 4.5" (114.3mm),6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)93.1-Out of Stock$350.00
7031795X6XBL0MB17×9 +0-78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
7031796312MB17×9 +128 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-Out of Stock$350.00
7031795712MB17×9 +126 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-Out of Stock$350.00
7031795412MB17×9 +126 x 5.5" (139.7mm),6 x 120mm93.1-Out of Stock$350.00
7031895X6XBL-18MB18×9 −18-78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
70318963-18MB18×9 −188 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-In Stock *$370.00
70318964-18MB18×9 −188 x 170mm,8 x 180mm125.1-Out of Stock$370.00
70318957-18MB18×9 −186 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-In Stock *$370.00
70318943-18MB18×9 −185 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-In Stock *$370.00
703189430MB18×9 +05 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-In Stock *$370.00
703189570MB18×9 +06 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-In Stock *$370.00
7031895X6XBL0MB18×9 +0-78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
703189630MB18×9 +08 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-Out of Stock$370.00
703189645MB18×9 +58 x 170mm,8 x 180mm125.1-Out of Stock$370.00
7031895312MB18×9 +126 x 4.5" (114.3mm),6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)93.1-Out of Stock$370.00
7031895712MB18×9 +126 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-Out of Stock$370.00
7031896312MB18×9 +128 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-Out of Stock$370.00
7031894312MB18×9 +125 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-Out of Stock$370.00
7031895412MB18×9 +126 x 5.5" (139.7mm),6 x 120mm93.1-Out of Stock$370.00
7031894412MB18×9 +125 x 5.5" (139.7mm),5 x 150mm78.1-Out of Stock$370.00
7032095X6XBL0MB20×9 +0-78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
703209570MB20×9 +06 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-Out of Stock$410.00
703209430MB20×9 +05 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-Out of Stock$410.00
7032095312MB20×9 +126 x 4.5" (114.3mm),6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)93.1-Out of Stock$410.00
7032095712MB20×9 +126 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-Out of Stock$410.00
7032095412MB20×9 +126 x 5.5" (139.7mm),6 x 120mm93.1-Out of Stock$410.00
7032094312MB20×9 +125 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-Out of Stock$410.00
7032094412MB20×9 +125 x 5.5" (139.7mm),5 x 150mm78.1-Out of Stock$410.00
703209563-18MB20×9.5 −188 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-Out of Stock$410.00
703209564-18MB20×9.5 −188 x 170mm,8 x 180mm125.1-Out of Stock$410.00
7032095630MB20×9.5 +08 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-In Stock *$410.00
7032095640MB20×9.5 +08 x 170mm,8 x 180mm125.1-In Stock *$410.00
70320956412MB20×9.5 +128 x 170mm,8 x 180mm125.1-Out of Stock$410.00
70320956312MB20×9.5 +128 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-Out of Stock$410.00
703201057-18MB20×10 −186 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-In Stock *$430.00
70320105X6XBL-18MB20×10 −18-78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
703201043-18MB20×10 −185 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-In Stock *$430.00
703201257-44MB20×12 −446 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-In Stock *$450.00
703201263-44MB20×12 −448 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-In Stock *$450.00
703201264-44MB20×12 −448 x 170mm,8 x 180mm125.1-In Stock *$450.00
70320125X6XBL-44MB20×12 −44-78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
703201243-44MB20×12 −445 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-In Stock *$450.00
703221257-44MB22×12 −446 x 135mm,6 x 5.5" (139.7mm)106.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
703221264-44MB22×12 −448 x 170mm,8 x 180mm125.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
703221263-44MB22×12 −448 x 6.5" (165.1mm),8 x 170mm125.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
70322125X6XBL-44MB22×12 −44-78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price
703221243-44MB22×12 −445 x 5" (127mm),5 x 5.5" (139.7mm)78.1-Inquire for StockInquire for Price